What is cupping? What are its benefits? And when is the best time to do it?
Cupping is a type of bloodletting that has a history of seven thousand years and dates back to around 3500 BC.
It was first performed by doctors in Iran and in the city of Macedonia.
One of the treatments in traditional medicine is cupping, and Islam also emphasized its use.
Many believe that acupuncture is derived from cupping.
Suctioning the blood vessels of the body, including the head and between the shoulder blades, is performed, where blood clots accumulate.
This is recommended to prevent many diseases and treat fatigue and feelings of heaviness and heaviness.
This procedure makes the body lighter, thins the blood, and makes blood circulation easier.
When is the best time to do cupping?
The best time to do it is in the spring and May to late June each year.
For better results, you can do this in the second half of each month.
Among the suction devices for this work are hand-held air pumps.
It is highly recommended to perform cupping to prevent many heart, skin, and internal diseases.
So, considering the above, we find that it is very necessary and useful to do it.
In such a way that the desired area is completely disinfected by a physical medicine doctor, and this can be done using needles and hand pumps.
Dezpart Company, as a manufacturer of vacuum systems, is ready to provide consultation and production for centers that plan to use a central vacuum for their suction.
Contact with Dezpart Vacuum Pump
Hospitals: In the operating room and… (Read the article Medical and hospital suction and central suction)
Vacuum forming and packaging industries: For shaping and… (Read the article What is forming?)
Printing houses: In printing machines and…
Goldsmithing and precious metals: For injecting gold or metal and…
Woodworking industries: Machinery and CNC and… (Read the article Vacuum membrane)
Food and beverage industries: Suction of materials and injection and… (Read the article Application of vacuum pumps in the food and beverage industry)
Casting: Filling pores and no bubbles and… (Read the article Vacuum pump in casting)
Rubber and plastic industries: Suction and injection and… (Read the article Vacuum pump for rubber manufacturing The best vacuum pump for the rubber and plastic industry)
Cupping: Suction of blood and… (Is body cupping necessary?) Read)
Laboratories: Suction and... (Read the article on laboratory vacuum pumps)
Oil production and refining: Suction and filtration, etc.
Pharmacy: Injection and drying, etc.
Disposable containers: Injection and suction, etc.
Homes: (Vacuum cleaners, etc.)
Now that we are familiar with the concept of vacuum, let's move on to more specialized topics in this field.
Types of pumps in terms of size
We need a pump for suction. According to the type and volume of work required, a special pump must be prepared for it.
Small pump
This category of suction pumps has personal and corporate applications.
Medium pump
These pumps are used for small and low-use companies.
Large pump
This category of pumps is used in relatively large factories and vacuum industries.
Central suctions (multiple pumps)
They are used in large industries, hospitals, etc. and are used in vacuum systems that have several pumps in series.